Monday 2 March 2015


So one of my first posts on this blog was about family, mine specifically, and in that post (which you can read here) I wrote about how I would call someone a family member even if we aren't blood related to me but then continued the post by only talking about my actual family members.

I love my family, no matter how big or complicated it is. But family is somewhat forced upon you from birth. You don't really have a choice in the matter of if you actually want those people in your life and I think because of this we all develop different sides of our selves. I free a few more of my personality traits with my friends than I do with my family and that's because they are two very different groups of people.

I used to think that family was the pinnacle of being human. The one thing that should never be prioritised over. I still do believe this to an extent however its more common for, say, animals to depend upon their family group for their entire lifetime, and fight off anyone from another bloodline for protection. Human beings have the ability to meet someone they weren't raised by and not try to outrank them - in most cases! What I mean by this is that it's ok that family isn't number one on my list of priorities. Family is there to guide you through life, not to ensure that you follow step by step the path they took. Every person if different from the next and should have their own story to tell.

So my view on family is still the same as my previous blog post described it, but the people that I would consider family have changed. They now fall into two categories:
  1. People I couldn't live without
  2. Relatives
Being that the first category is relatively new, it doesn't really contain many people, to be exact it only  contains three. And even then there's only one person who consumes most of the spots available. 
