Saturday 31 January 2015


Dear 13 year old Natasha,

I'm going to start out with saying that half the things that we have accomplished are down to the rockbottom moments. They have been the fuel to drive us to make something of our life. Everything gets a lot easier to process, we mature (side note: prepare for the comments - there will be lots!), we grow, we go back to having a relatively normal teenage life. Its okay to feel shitty and down and like you want to shut yourself in your room for the rest of your life. Its okay to feel that because it passes. It actually passes a lot quicker than you think it would. But this is fair warning - there WILL be shitty moments to come!

It gets a lot clearer to see who our friends are and who is just in our life because they happen to be in the same place as us 5 days out of the week. Believe it or not but Maria is the one who sees us through absolutely everything. Not to mention Catherine and Steph who both make the group such fun to be around and make us happy that we have them. You have countless times to look forward to when all of us are recklessly having fun.

We finally shake HIM. Part of it due to him moving on but still, we shake him!!!! At this point in our life we don't actually know who HIM is yet, but all will be revealed soon enough. (brace yourself!)

Our desire for tattoos becomes very prominent around our 17th birthday and six months after that (when I'm writing this) we currently have on two temporary tattoos to see what they look like. (needless to say these are the first two we are actually getting).

For now, thats just about it - there's a lot for you to experience and understand from this point on so make sure that you jump to feel it. Good or Bad.

17 year old Natasha