I never planned for this to happen, we can't pick who we fall for. If we could we wouldn't fall at all. I tried for it not to happen. Saying "friends is all we are".
Turns out I'm good at lying when its to myself. Although I'm not too sure that I would have prepared myself had I'd known it was going to happen. I've had some of my best days with you and they're worth too much to forfeit these feelings for.
It seems silly and irrelevant now, that I'm writing my feelings down. Knowing that they are unrequited but still trying to let you know in a non-obvious way. Maybe I just didn't want to forget them. Maybe its because it is very early and I can't seem to process all of this in my own head so I needed to write it down. Maybe its both. You know how I get at this time of the night.
Thinking about it both of us have been in my position before. Feeling something but not wanting to ruin something half decent we have already, but thinking that there could be a possibility that you can have what you want. We both know how that works out...