Saturday, 15 November 2014


The past year... Well, I guess I could say it's so so. 2014 has actually been very good to me, way better than 2012 and 2013. I guess you could say that "Every year gets better". I hope that's true.
My first year at college seems like a blur but I know great things happened. I found my now best friends while still keeping close to the old (although we drift apart, I will always love you all), became a part of a friendship group that could accept me for who I was. I tried my hardest to pass with decent grades (I take BTEC Extended Level 3 Art and Design Diploma & Media) and I averaged out with DDM (Distinction, distinction, merit AKA approx. A, A, B) in my Art course and an overall grade of a B in Media, however I managed to achieve the highest AS grade in my coursework across all Media AS students, getting an A* (98/100) which made me super happy. 
Summer came around and I saw an opportunity to read a lot of books and fall in love with TV shows. I moved out of my house in order for it to be renovated, and moved in with my lovely Aunt, which is where I am still (been here for 3 months ~ish~) I saw my friends, earned money, relaxed for the first time in ages. College came around again too fast, and put me down a lot. I couldn't settle back in and ended up not attending very often at all, my depression and anxiety took over. My attendance fell below 60% and now I'm under a form of "probation" if you like. I'm not pleased, but I didn't see any other option at the time, it was literally unbearable to deal with. (You can read about this more here.)
So talk after talk after lecture after talk, I've tried to pick myself up. I think about the positives in life like my amazing friends, and my lovely lovely boyfriend of whom I've loved and waited for, for a year  (I'm cheesy I'm sorry), and how help is always available for when things get tough. I turned 18 and spent it with my favourite people, made new friends, got closer to family, lost my phone (and a few other things). I've kicked old habits out the picture, like my self harm, but acquired  new ones, like smoking... Which again has disappointed a few people. But I can say I'm getting there, and I think that's a big step from where I was over 2 years ago... (link).
Here's to a not so bad 2014 and a hopefully better 2015... 
Catherine x