Friday 4 August 2017


I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that it is already August. Having said that, I'm starting to not be able to contain my excitement for Christmas!

I don't know if it's the lack of summer weather or really just that I love the end of the year but boy, I can't wait. The layers come out, the heating goes on. It's all hot chocolate and blankets and celebrations. I LOVE CHRISTMAS.

I think this year I'm more excited than ever because I have put myself down to work Christmas day. Something I know a lot of people wouldn't do, but I love my job - I work on a children's ward at a hospital. 

When I got the job the resounding reply I got was "Isn't that going to be really difficult, seeing sick children everyday?" Don't get me wrong, it isn't rainbows and sunshine all day every day. It gets manic and stressful and disconcerting at times but all it takes is for one child to laugh or dance around for the mood to change. 

Phrases said on the daily are "I can't cope, they are too cute" and "Be careful or I might just steal you". Children are resilient and being able to see the change in them from one day to the next is beautiful. There have been a fair few kids that have been with us for a while, I have a habit of getting myself attached or invested in their recovery and the hardest thing — at least in my case — is saying "Okay you, I don't want to see you back here!" because I'm so happy that they are better but at the same time I'm not going to see them everyday. 

On Christmas day, we only have the kids in that require too much to be able to go home. Which means that the staff on shift are a part of their day - Santa comes in, presents are given out and you won't be able to find a single member of staff without some kind of headband with antlers or snowflakes on. Everyone is in high spirits and it's such a chilled day. 

I see it like another family I get to celebrate with.

I'm so excited!
