Sunday, 12 October 2014



I don't know if you have the same thought process about this as I do - that writing a letter to you for more than just you to see, on the internet, is more meaningful but here we go.

I would like to apologize, for all of the stress and arguments and bad words thrown at you over the years I hope you have never taken to heart things that this ignorant child (me) has ever said to you, for this I am for ever sorry. I am not an easy person to live with (what with my choices to unknowingly sign up for pay-monthly schemes like amazon prime and justfab!).

Nothing has been easy for you for a long time which I have never taken into account or acknowledged as I was the one having the problems. When I think back, it always baffles me when I remember how well you handled everything back in 2011 - compared to how I was taking everything - maybe I am remembering wrong or have tried to repress that year too much but what I can remember is that you seemed far more collected than I expected you to be.

I know that everything I have achieved and most things that I will achieve, have been and are solely down to you and I am eternally grateful and indebted - and I hope that you know this too. You are my rock and inspiration for everything that I do, You are the first person I go to about a problem or to get your opinion on something (this blog has probably been the first thing that I haven't asked you to proof read for me!).

I hope that this 'letter' has conveyed the amount that I appreciate you, as you deserve to know.

I will see you in the morning.

Lots of love
