Sunday, 11 March 2018


In the past 3 years since turning 18 I have gotten 3 tattoos. My first was a few days after my 18th birthday and the next two were in February this year. I can't really remember the reason for why I wanted my first one but I knew I wanted one and I think it was the first thing that came in to my head! (totally not a permanent thing Tash...)

I have a stick woman on my left thumb and although when I got it there was no real reason behind it, I have since attached meaning to it - I am proud of the woman I am turning it to and it's a reminder to always be me.

My second one I actually wanted to get done first. I had had the image in my head since probably 2010 but chickened out of getting it as my first because it was kind of  big. It is a moon and woman on my left inner upper arm.

This one I got as a tribute to my grandad, my mums dad, as he was basically my father figure for most of my childhood. When he passed away in 2009 I would go outside when it got dark to look at the moon and stars and look for a sign that he was watching over us. 

And my third is a rainbow on my right thumb. Honestly I think this is my favourite one right now. Many people don't think it is real to start with as when it was first done and still really bright it looked like someone had melted crayon wax on my hand. 

I had possibly my worst month ever in January of this year and I am proud of myself for being able to get through as honestly I didn't think I was going to. This rainbow is a symbol to me that when you take the bad with the good you can still get something beautiful. My something beautiful was blossoming into myself and this rainbow will always remind me of that. 
(Also I can put my thumbs together so it looks like the rainbow is over my lady and this has become a way of me telling people at work that I am happy without using words... I get it I'm stupid)

I have so many more that I want to get that I can't quite believe I'm not back in the chair already!
